Sunday, February 17, 2013

Six Months Old...Sweet Sarah Jane

This week has been a busy one...we had Chinese New Year,  Josh's 7th birthday and Sarah turned 6 months.  So I apologize for just now catching up on updating you.....

                                                                                                                         Feb. 14, 2013
Our baby turned 6 months old today.  While I am not usually one to make a big deal about these early monthly milestones, this one has been different...for lots of reasons.  I don't know many babies her age who have logged over 45 hours of plane time, countless time on the train, and have been an attachment to me in the front carrier since we arrived five months ago. Another big change for us has been the fact that our children are that much older...including our second youngest being 4 years old, and not 2 years old. The last three times I have had a baby at home, I have also had a toddler...which stretches you in many different ways!  This time around, Abby is not only that much older, but she is in school everyday for half the me that much more individual time with Sarah.  Finally, the biggest difference for me is the acknowledgement that Sarah is the last child that I will give birth to...(of course unless the Lord does something miraculous).  This idea has motivated me to really soak in every minute of her babyhood...and I believe I can actually see her growing right in front of me! 

I know that the Lord planned from the beginning to entrust us with Sarah. And it amazes me that her temperament has been what is needed for a child to go through what she has been through.  We have always been extremely blessed with pretty laid-back babies who eat and sleep well, and who are generally pretty healthy.  Each time we find out we are expecting, these things are on the list of what we pray for...and they are not taken for granted when the Lord hears our prayers.  But this time around, as this child is exposed to a much different way of life, in a culture where large families are extremely rare, I am reminded on a daily basis how God has had His hand on Sarah (and all of us) during these first 6 months of her life.  Sarah has been so flexible in figuring out a schedule, being squashed on a train, or a bus, or a plane with A LOT of people, and even getting the occasional bug winter!!!  Not to mention how patient she has been with all the love and attention she receives from her four siblings.

So, I will keep reflecting about this stage that we are in and ways to really live in the moment.  There are definitely times I have had to hold back tears as I watch her rolling over and finally eating some  Packing away clothes she has already grown out of and missing that startle reflex has moved me through this mourning process...and I'm sure it is only the beginning.  Yes, as I watch my almost 20lb baby grow and smile and laugh, I have enjoyed learning more and more about her sweet personality...differentiating her cries, knowing which toy she like best, and watching her explore the new noises she can make. So even in the midst of living in a different country, I will continue to relish this time I am blessed with...and take lots of pictures to try to make time stand still, or at least slow down a little. I do feel like God has been merciful in the fact that she has the same, if not less hair, than she was born at least she doesn't look that much older?

By the way, on a funny note, there is a conspiracy in our family about lying to Sarah about her birthday.  Because our first three children were all born on the 15th of the month, and Sarah was scheduled to be born on the 15th as well, but missed it by 6 hours, Andy has developed a story that the rest of our children plan to adopt.  Since we were already moving to Hong Kong, and Hong Kong is 12 (sometimes 13) hours ahead, my husband believes that her birthday should be the 15th, since it was the 15th in Hong Kong.  Of course, I am not on board with this...but find it funny that my other children really believe they can get away with this lie:)

                                                        Sarah laughing at her sister.

                                                                   Big Blue Eyes!!!

Playing with Daddy
                                                              Finally eating cereal

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