Monday, October 14, 2013

Our Fall 2013 in Hong Kong's finally starting to feel like fall.  Well, at least the humidity is starting to break and I am not drenched with sweat every time I have to go out.  The other norm that I am used to is the daylight  situation.  Like it or not, it is getting darker earlier.  I, personally, enjoy the familiarity...and it always seems to be a little easier getting the kiddos to bed.  But it is a little weird that I am still wearing shorts and a t-shirt when it is dark by 6pm.

The other favorites of fall I do miss...leaves changing, pumpkin picking, hayrides, football, and the gorgeous autumn sunsets that I enjoyed out my back window.  This is my favorite time of year, and while I am trying to embrace the fun nuances that Hong Kong brings to the picture during this season, I also need to rely on my scented candle to bring on the memories of Milburn Orchards and going to the kids morning soccer games...wearing layers.

Speaking of soccer, there are now three of us playing on a somewhat regular basis.  Josh is playing after school on Tuesdays and then has continued playing on Friday afternoons on the field of the local international school within walking distance from our house.  This is a huge blessing that it is a field...a rarity in HK.  Many leagues play on cement.

Grace is playing for school (fall season), does training on Friday nights continued from last year, and just started training on weekends nearby in Tai Po.  This just started, brought to our attention by her school coach, and with some of her teammates joining her.  The interesting thing about this training is that the coach instructs in Cantonese. So last week Grace found herself at the front of the line, and as the coach was giving directions, I saw her ease back to second or third in girl is no dummy:)

And finally, maybe one of the craziest things I have done in a long time, I am playing in a Saturday am soccer league.  I'm not sure if it is described as co-ed, but I haven't seen any other women on the field, yet.  Andy's associate from work had heard that I used to play and invited me to join his team.  I have missed playing, so I thought I would give it a shot...always praying two requests 1) I don't get hurt and 2) I don't embarrass myself.  After three games, I can honestly say that God has been good and these two goals have been accomplished.  I will also say that it always humbles me because it doesn't matter how much I exercise during the week, within 10 minutes I'm dying...and so far we have had no subs! In fact, the other funny thing was that the first game I played I was at outside midfield.  Half the field was in the shade the first half...not my half:) But I was looking forward to switching sides so I would have a little relief in the second half, especially as the day wore on and it was getting hotter...except for some reason we didn't switch sides:( It's also the first time I don't understand anything the players on the field, including my own teammates, are saying.  Most of my teammates speak understandable English and are very kind to me.  But this is not what is usually used on the field.

So soccer has been another fall norm that this family is able to enjoy. 

Another funny thing about this fall is that we are starting to do some of the same yearly things we did last year...except this year I am in better shape to enjoy, function, and even help out in some cases. Last year I wasn't really able to volunteer in the kids least in the fall.  But I have already been in Abby and Josh's classrooms, and just went on a field trip with Josh's class to the Wetland Park of Hong Kong. We also just participated in the school's big fundraiser...walkathon and fall festival.  I specifically remember walking around in a daze last year, running into people that I evidently had met previously, feeling exhausted and using all our energy to keep up with our kids who wanted to go in four different directions (at least Sarah was asleep in the carrier, connected) This year we had a blast, knowing so many people from the school community, feeling free to let the older two roam, volunteering at booths, and only running after two kids...Sarah stayed home with Marina to nap. It was definitely one of those events that really showed how far we have come in a year.  I also couldn't believe that it had been a year and realizing how fast this past year had gone.  It's funny, someone had shared with me that my days will go slow but my weeks (and year) will go fast...and that is exactly the case.

So autumn is upon us, whether it feels like it or not.  We are simply trying to embrace our new norm, enjoy it while we are here, and not wish we were somewhere else.  Sometimes this is harder than other times...but I still have my scented candles and my Starbucks salted caramel mocha:)

Andy, Josh and Abby during walkathon
Grace and her friend advertising the 7th grade booth
Emma and her peeps
Grace's school team having a "snack party" at our house after a game
Josh and me at the Wetland Park
My enthusiastic bowlers (they really did have fun)
The beautiful setting I get to play in (notice half the field shaded:)
Sweet girl in the swing...just hanging around

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