Thursday, August 13, 2015

My Last Day with a Two Year Old

It's interesting to me that this has been a little more challenging than I expected.  When Sarah turned one, I wasn't emotional.  And when she turned two, I didn't really give it much thought.  But now she will be three...why is this so different?

One reason could be that her birth is so entrenched with our transition to HK, and now that this is our last year, it is emotional and bittersweet. When Sarah, Abby and I came, Sarah was six weeks old. This is her home and the life she knows.  Now that she is older and talking, she verbalizes this.  Over the summer we heard, "I miss Meena (Marina)" and "I want rice." And with all this transition, I have definitely been more lax in some behaviors.  She will be my first three year old who is not potty trained.  At first this was frustrating to me...I'm tired of changing diapers and I'm tired of buying them, too.  But, I can't blame her for not taking that step.  The girl just took her 13th, 15+hour plane ride...and she is three.  Let me tell you how convenient it is for that trip that she is wearing a diaper.  The other behavior is she still uses a binky...or we call it a sass (thanks Chesemores:) Another very useful tool on the formentioned flights.  Both these will be worked on in the coming year...hopefully this fall:)

But with these behaviors my little girl keeps that "baby" quality just a little bit longer.  She will always be my baby...and the last child that was a part of me for nine months. And as time has gone on, I've gotten used to that idea...even become a fan of that idea.  But on special days such as this one, it's easy to become nostalgic and want to stop time...even for just a little bit. Sarah Jane Puffenberger is turning three.  This idea seemed so far away when we first moved here to HK, but now it is right in front of us. And it reminds us that our time living here has almost come to an end, as well. So we will be excited for age three and all that comes with it...including soaking up every moment we are here:)

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