Sunday, January 20, 2013

Re-entry to Hong Kong

This past week was our first since coming back to Hong Kong from Christmas vacation at home.  It was a bit rough with the jet lag, but for the most part the kids got back into a routine...and so did me and Andy. While it was fun seeing snow, our weather here has been beautiful (mostly sunny in the 60's and 70's) which has enabled me to get back into running and for us as a family to spend some time outside. In fact, today we went to the park and played soccer...Grace and I lost to Emma, Josh and Andy...but it was a good game nonetheless and nice to enjoy the weather.

Early in the week, my attention was focused on getting my children signed up for some activities.  I was able to get Emma into a gymnastics program before we left for vacation, but I really wanted Josh to be able to play soccer....our family room has been his "field", which always makes a momma nervous! Well, no one told me that the spring season begins mid-January..but I was able to find something for my son.  Of course it's at the same time as Emma's class, and same day as Grace's soccer, but we'll figure it out:) Some things don't change, no matter where you are living.

I was also able to catch up with gathering even happening spontaneously, which I believe is challenging to do in Hong Kong, but something I am keen on doing. Usually schedules are packed and people live far enough away that you have to be intentional.  Luckily, I have two friends who live close enough that we are able to support one another and do things together spur of the moment.  And finally, Andy and I were able to go out to dinner by ourselves...something we haven't done since we moved here.  This was a huge blessing!!!

Finally, this past week I was able to reflect a little bit more on our whirlwind vacation in the states and re-entering Hong Kong once again.  We had a wonderful time visiting most of our family and lots of friends.  To me, it felt like we hadn't even been Hong Kong was a dream.  Yes, there was a lot that we had missed, but there was enough that was the same that things felt familiar and comfortable. In fact, we had our list of restaraunts we needed to hit and I had lots of coffee with my favorite creamer and Chobani...both of which I cannot get here.  I still could have used a couple more days, but when time is up, its up.  My goodbyes, for the most part, weren't nearly as tearful.  Not because I won't miss people, but I wasn't six-weeks postpartum and I just experienced how fast time flies, and I knew that another 5 month stretch will go fast again.

The other huge difference is that we came back to Hong Kong as a complete family.  We came back to a home ready to live in. We came back to a school the kids were already familiar with.  We came back to a helper who missed us and who we missed.  All of this just reminded me how hard September was for all of us...especially Andy, the kids, and our dear friend, Rebecca.  So re-entry was much easier this time around, and for that we are all thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're back in the swing of things. and the adventure continues... :) love you!
