Sunday, January 13, 2013

Six Weeks Down

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Six Weeks Down

Six weeks down. It's really hard to believe I have been here that long...and most of my family longer than that. Most days it feels like a blur. How in the world did we get here? Other times I feel like we are on vacation. Then there are the days I get to skype, or even just talk on the phone with family or friends, and I feel like I am still in my little Pennslyvania town. The range of emotions during the day, let alone a whole week, can be pretty extreme. Now add those emotions to the feelings I am having as I try to adjust to a fifth child, and it can be pretty crazy sometimes.

This past week, the adjustment to five children trumped living in Hong Kong for the first time. They will always be interconnected, but my multitasking was definitely put to the well as my sanity.. It was supposed to be an easier week since Andy wasn't traveling, but things come up, and a last-minute presentation, business dinner and IKEA run put Andy home late three nights in a row. This did not make me very happy, mostly because I knew he was traveling the next week and wouldn't have his help at all. So I'm sure my attitude made things harder than they needed to be...but nonetheless, they were challenging.

As soon as the older three get home from school, about 4:20pm, they come in, put things away (if I'm lucky) and get a snack...even though I would love them to eat in an hour. Then they have to water the plants. Side note: there are three areas around our house that we have plants we are responsible to water. When it was very hot, the watering was supposed to happen twice a day. Now we can get away with once. I don't mind watering, but the kids don't get eaten by misquitos as bad as I do, so I ask them do it. Plus, it seems to make sense...three kids...three areas of plants.

After the watering and eating is's time for homework. Usually the older girls can get along on their own. Meanwhile, I normally have to sit on Josh for him to get his work done. Well, this past week, for three days in a row...everyone needed my help. Math with Grace, maps with Emma, spelling with Josh, keeping Abby out of everyones stuff, and Sarah needing to be fed...oh yeah, making dinner too...all consumed me. Then there was the cleaning up and making lunches when we were done eating, as well as any homework that hadn't gotten accomplished before dinner. I wish I could say that it sent me straight to my knees, but the only thing it did, at least on Monday, was evoke impatient responses, some tears, and some doubts and questions. On Tuesday, things did get a little better...I decided to put some praise and worhship music on...this diffused the tears, and helped the impatient responses, but the doubts and poor attitude were still there. It wasn't until Wednesday that I realized worship music PLUS a glass of wine was the trick to surviving the evening with a smile on my face.

Of course I knew this adventure was not going to be easy. And evenings like these are enough for me to question...why are we here, and why now? Things are difficult enough with the family dynamics...but doing it in Hong Kong? And then I read a verse from Deuteronomy 31:8 that states, "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." This was such a great reminder for me. While we do not know why we are here, we know that we are supposed to be here and the Lord has shown us in countless ways that He has been here before we arrived, and He is here with us now, not leaving our side.

Well, six weeks has come and gone...and this lesson in God's faithfulness is just one of the many He has shown us. I thought it would be fun to share a few other random things I have learned since living here.

#1 "Please mind the gap" is a phrase I hear in my sleep because it is said on the train at every stop. I't's not talking about the clothing's warning you not to fall into the open space between the platform and the train-a good reminder.

#2 Often I look around, and I am the only one wearing summer clothes. Granted, today was 85 degrees, but everyone else believes that winter is right around the corner and they are wearing pants and sometimes sweaters.

#3 It is unheard of to be raising five children in Hong Kong, let alone NOT have a helper. People cannot believe that we don't have one yet...and now that I have been here for six weeks, I understand their thinking. But I have the Lord...and our helper should be arriving in the next week...more to come.

#4 I still feel like I am playing with Monopoly money...not good when trying to stay on a budget.

#5 Taxis are my best friend...and extremely affordable-hallelujah.

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