Sunday, April 21, 2013

Our Family Trip to the Philippines...Part 3

While it was important for me to write stories and experiences from our trip to the Philippians right away so I didn't forget, I wondered what was going to stick with me as I reflected over the past days, and weeks.  Well, there has been several take-aways, but one that continues to come up is that of contentment.

This is an issue that I often wrestle with...sometimes I fail, and sometimes I overcome. Over the last several years, the Lord has brought it to my attention and allowed me to see specific triggers in my own life that cause discontentment.  And even since I have been in Hong Kong, these triggers have changed. For example, I generally don't struggle with clothes or being "in" with the latest fashion...unless I have catalogs at my house. When I am going through catalogs and seeing all the things I don't have, that is when I become discontent with my wardrobe.  Or more often, it is my children's wardrobes that I feel the need to replenish.  Well, here in Hong Kong, I do not get catalogs. And if I'm honest, Hong Kong fashion is not really my style.  But, put me in a group of ladies who are talking about their latest trip, and that is where the green monster comes out.  Traveling is a big deal here...people go to Bali, Phuket, Boracay, Australia...yes, some amazing places.  But where our family is in life, and what we are called to, this is not how we are living.  That is not to say we are not going to travel, but I really want to have a heart that is content and thankful with where we are Hong Kong, and remember how amazing it is to be here.

So, when we got back from our time in Manila, and seeing first hand the unimaginable poverty, one can't help but feel thankful and content with where we are and what we have been given.  But something bothered me about this.  And I finally figured it out...why should it take being around such dire circumstances for me to have a heart of gratitude and a deeper sense of contentment? I have clung to a quote by Eugene Peterson that states, "comparison is the root of discontentment." And I think that even comparing ourselves against things that "look" less, does not bring us to contentment. In Philippians 4, Paul states that he has learned to be content in all need and in plenty.  Because it states that he "learned" this, I believe that it is a discipline...not just an innate skill.  So what is my action plan? How am I going to practice contentment more often, especially now that it has been brought to my attention, yet again?

Well, it just so happens that my pastor just gave a message on this I will share these applications that I plan to use in my own life:

1. Connect more and compare less...not just rely on social media to reach out, and therefore see other's best, but genuinely seek other's out.
2. Rejoice more and reject less. It was brought to my attention that the only proper response to God's blessings, yours or anyone else's, is to rejoice.
3. Store more and hoard less. I need to keep in mind that the only thing worth storing are things that are eternal. So am I storing treasures in heaven, or am I hoarding that which is temporary?

So these are my self-imposed challenges. Sorry for the "deeper, less story-like" post. But I thought the last public writing of our trip should be a bit more reflection and lesson I don't forget:)

                                           Sisters reading during the hot afternoon (90's all week)

                                           Our entire group

                                            Our family

                                            Fun photo of the kids

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