Sunday, April 7, 2013

Our Family Trip to the Philippines - Part 1

When we moved to Hong Kong, I knew there would be opportunities to travel around Asia.  This is obviously exciting to us, but Andy and I both feel convicted that we need to make the most of these opportunities, and thus, our first priority was to find ways that we can make an impact, be impacted, and serve.  We are very blessed to find those opportunities through our children's school. So in the fall,  Andy took the older three to Cebu, Philippines for a short 4 day missions trip over American Thanksgiving.  They had an amazing time and wanted to go back.  So this past week, we did an entire family trip to do missions in the city of Manila.  Yes, all seven of us, plus our helper, ventured off to Manila for a six day trip.  We were in a group of 30 plus other parents, teachers, and students age 7-17. We brought our helper not only so I could be more available and involved, but she was able to see family...a wonderful chance to bless her.

This was definitely a step of faith for this momma.  To take my little ones to a place where there is extreme poverty definitely stretched me.  But God is so good and we had a life-changing week. We worked and stayed with a ministry called K.I.M. (Kids International Ministry). They have made a huge impact in two different communities in the in Manila and one on the island of Midanao.  They have a children's home (orphanage), do weekly feedings to several squatter communities, set up a Christian school, a medical center, a girls' home, and build homes for needy families in the is an amazing organization. Our family did a lot of painting, feeding, handing out toys, and playing with kids, as well as building relationships with many of the teens who were on the trip.

Along with helping out the mission, we experienced a lot of Manila.  We went to a mega church, discovered the Mall of Asia (built to be compared to Mall of America... one of the biggest malls in Asia), and toured the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial (very powerful!!!). Of course we couldn't pass up some Krispy Kreme, either:)

So processing this trip has been in layers...and I imagine it will continue to do so for quite some time.  Nothing can really prepare you for the poverty before you.  But in the midst of the unimaginable conditions, we still saw joy in many of their eyes.  Only Christ can give that kind of joy...that kind of peace...that kind of hope. So over the next few posts, I will be sharing stories, thoughts, and lessons I have learned over this past week.  Of course, I will also post some pics.


                                                     We got to meet Marina's husband!

                                       Painted Easter eggs with kids from the children's home

                                            Served food aside older classmates at feedings

                                                            Talked to lots of kids

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