So our sweet and sassy Abigail Kate turned five years old yesterday. I find it hard to believe that she is already five, and yet, many days she acts older than she is. Abby, out of all my children, has probably had to adjust the most since moving here. Instead of going to school two days a week for two and a half hours a day, she goes to school everyday for three hours...not to mention the fact she is up by 6am with the olders and has to take a bus and a train just to get to her school bus...and she doesn't get home until after noon. But, she is really a trooper. Andy usually takes her on the way to work, which gives them some great bonding time. And Marina will often pick her up from the stop, especially if I have to be somewhere, or if I took her in the morning.
This week, Andy is in Japan, so we are delaying her celebration until Saturday. Mind you, the girl has already had two other birthday parties this summer with family, so she is not hurting for attention. But, I also felt that we had to at least make a big deal on her special day. One thing that Abby has been waiting for is the opportunity to chew gum. She has been aware for the last two years (since Josh turned 5) that the rule in our family is you must be five years old to chew gum. So as soon as she brushed her teeth after breakfast, that girl got a fruity piece of Trident gum...and she definitely enjoyed it! Of course, we then had to discuss how to chew with one's mouth close, that gum stays in your mouth, and that you never go to sleep with gum. But she accepted all the rules and smiled!!!
I decided that an easy way to celebrate her birthday was to take her out to lunch. On my way to pick her up, I was brainstorming restaurants I thought would be fun and that I had the energy to get to. Then I realized that it wasn't about we went to McDonald's. She enjoyed her happy meal, go a Smurf figurine (a little behind the times) and finished it with a hot fudge sundae. Then the real special treat was shared...I told her we would take a taxi home instead of the shuttle bus. She LOVED that idea. When it is 90 degrees, and 99 % humidity, no one likes to be outside. So Abby greatly appreciates it when we take a taxi, albeit a short five minute ride, from the MTR station to our doorstep instead of our shuttle, that drops us off five minutes from our house. Yes, this was more exciting to her than McDonalds.
We get into the taxi. Our train station is so close that I have never had to explain where we live. As we are riding along, Abby is asking to play my phone. I told her no since we were almost home...then I checked my purse just to make sure it is there (a fear of mine...but it was) As I was in my purse, our driver had missed our turn into Hong Lok Yuen. Actually, it was completely understandable because there is SO much is very confusing. He got his bearings quickly, confirmed with me where we needed to go, then proceeded to correct his mistake. He went left around the barrier and then a sharp right so that he could go straight at the intersection into our development. Unfortunately, he did not stop at the intersection, nor did he look. Of course, by now I am completely focused on what he is doing. As I realized he was not stopping, I was able to get a glimpse of a cement truck barreling through the intersection from our left. He was not stopping either. I then screamed at the top of my lungs "STOP, STOP!!!" while bracing myself and Abby...neither of us were wearing seat belts (yes, stupid and lesson learned). I believe that our driver slowed just enough and turned his wheel right that only our front left got struck by the truck. Abby did fall to the floor...slow motion...but she was behind the driver, so there was little impact and she was fine. When I asked her if she was ok, she said yes...and that she wanted to put on her seat belt now. I laughed and helped her...then we prayed and thanked Jesus for His protection.
The driver asked us if we needed medical assistance. He said it was his fault, gave me his name and number, and then got out of the car to assess the damages, wait for police and talk to the other driver. Abby and I just sat there. I really was at a loss for what to do. We were close enough to walk home, but I was pretty sure that I should stay until the police came...I just didn't know how long that would be and I wanted Abby home. Finally, I called my Aussie friend and asked her what the protocol was in this circumstance, and she said that I should wait for the police. Then I called a few people, and finally got in touch with Marina to come and pick up Abby. Abby was very calm...just tired and wanting to get out of the heat.
As I waited for the police to come, I assessed the situation. We were incredibly fine. The two drivers weren't even using heated words with each other...they were calm. Our driver was very apologetic and kept asking us if we were ok. Then looking at the car, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with gratitude. It's easy to play the dramatics of "what if?" I decided right then that I didn't want to go there. I simply wanted to thank my loving God for keeping His hand on us and getting us through this situation. Then, the police came, asked if I needed medical attention, asked for my HK ID, and I was on my way and walked home.
When we shared with the other kids at dinner, the funniest question came from Josh. He asked if I paid the driver. "Um, no," I told him...then we all started to laugh. Just another day in Hong Kong:)
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
A Memorable Week!!!
This has been an exciting week for the Puff family. For starters, we got to experience our first typhoon. Typhoon Utor "landed" here in Hong Kong on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. Now I realize that I need to be further educated on what exactly a typhoon is, but to me, I most relate it to a hurricane. They grade them, and on Tuesday, it was already a Typhoon cat 3. What I didn't realize, is with that posting comes some school cancellations...including kindergartens (preschool)...which includes Abby. We had heard in the news about the coming storm and when it was expected, but I did not think to check the weather posting the day before the anticipated day. So when I took Abby to her bus stop, the elementary kids are picked up in their bus first, and one of the Chinese moms kindly broke the news that there was no school for the kindergarten. No wonder Abby was the only kindergartner at the bus stop!! So we laughed about it, chalked it up to another lesson learned, and went home.
On Tuesday night, my parents arrived for a 10-day visit with us. What a huge blessing! This is a business trip for my father that only transpired less than a month ago..such a great surprise. They made it safely, met by Andy at the airport. Then today, my dad had to find his way to Shenzen, while my mom and I were able to go to the kids' school for chapel. We ended up taking the train home because I needed to run an errand. Even though the weather hasn't been great, it has been so cathartic to have them experience our everyday with us. To ride the trains, see our house, check out the school, ect has been great for them and for us. And it was especially providential since my children and husband had to stay home their first full day here due to the storm.
And if all that wasn't enough...yesterday our baby turned 1!!! Sarah Jane has been a part of our family for a year and we cannot be more thankful and blessed. I think with any birthday, you reminisce about the past year...but it is hard not to remember vividly her birth and what was to come in the month to follow. And even though last year at this time was probably the most heart-wrenching and emotional times of my life (yes, I don't recommend having a baby and then moving in shifts to the other side of the world), I can honestly say that I don't regret a single decision that led us to where we are now. God has been faithful in confirming to us that we are here for a purpose, and while it hasn't always been easy, there is an incomprehensible peace that covers you when you are in the middle of His will. I am so grateful that I moved here with a six week old in tow...she has been a huge light in our lives that the Lord has used to ground us and bring us closer as a family. She has brought out something special in all of us, and I am so excited to watch her grow.
On Tuesday night, my parents arrived for a 10-day visit with us. What a huge blessing! This is a business trip for my father that only transpired less than a month ago..such a great surprise. They made it safely, met by Andy at the airport. Then today, my dad had to find his way to Shenzen, while my mom and I were able to go to the kids' school for chapel. We ended up taking the train home because I needed to run an errand. Even though the weather hasn't been great, it has been so cathartic to have them experience our everyday with us. To ride the trains, see our house, check out the school, ect has been great for them and for us. And it was especially providential since my children and husband had to stay home their first full day here due to the storm.
And if all that wasn't enough...yesterday our baby turned 1!!! Sarah Jane has been a part of our family for a year and we cannot be more thankful and blessed. I think with any birthday, you reminisce about the past year...but it is hard not to remember vividly her birth and what was to come in the month to follow. And even though last year at this time was probably the most heart-wrenching and emotional times of my life (yes, I don't recommend having a baby and then moving in shifts to the other side of the world), I can honestly say that I don't regret a single decision that led us to where we are now. God has been faithful in confirming to us that we are here for a purpose, and while it hasn't always been easy, there is an incomprehensible peace that covers you when you are in the middle of His will. I am so grateful that I moved here with a six week old in tow...she has been a huge light in our lives that the Lord has used to ground us and bring us closer as a family. She has brought out something special in all of us, and I am so excited to watch her grow.
And if you look carefully, she has gotten some more hair:)
Sunday, August 11, 2013
What a Difference a Year Makes!!!
Well, we have been here for a week and already the differences from last year have been astounding. Besides all the logistical changes (coming here as a family of 7 instead of in shifts), it has been nice to come back to a house that is already set up, a school that my children are familiar with, and surroundings that don't make me squeamish inside. Knowing how to navigate public transportation has been a huge difference, and Grace and I already made our way to the stationary store for school supplies. This store happens to be found in a very large mall, in a phase that I hadn't even explored yet...I was very proud of our accomplishment! It's been much easier to take taxis and trust that I will get where I want to go...and that I know enough to help direct if needed. This helps when I am too tired and HOT to get on one more train...makes for a happier me:)
The kids started school this past week, and while I feel a little bad that they have to start back so early, I did so much driving to make sure they got to visit who they needed to visit, that I was in need of a break. And there is obviously a learning/intensive curve, so the kids have still been able to come home, get a snack, and go play in the pool. It doesn't hurt that we have had more blue skies this week than all of last year. I had forgotten, since I wasn't around last year, how crazy the beginning of school can lists that need to be filled, teachers to meet at "sneak a peek", syllabuses that need to be signed, and bed times that need to be adjusted...all done while getting over jet lag. The kids did great this week...and I didn't do too bad myself. Organization is not my strong suit, but it is only August, and nothing has been lost.
So we are preparing for week #2. We are all over jet lag, Marina and I are already in a groove with our routine, and as a last minute surprise, we will be getting our first visitors (sorry Ron and Rebecca, you don't count since Rebecca lived here before I did!) on Tuesday. My father has business about an hour north of us in Shenzen, and my mother will be joining him. As you can imagine, we are thrilled to have them come and just experience our life here...since it's so difficult to explain in words. We are also celebrating some birthdays in the next month...first up, Sarah Jane is turning 1 on Wednesday!!! But it is late, so that will have to wait for the next post:)
Here are a some more beach pics...loved that week!!!
Josh found a friend at the beach

Sarah found her toes

Grace and Emma found some waves
Abby found a frisbee

The kids started school this past week, and while I feel a little bad that they have to start back so early, I did so much driving to make sure they got to visit who they needed to visit, that I was in need of a break. And there is obviously a learning/intensive curve, so the kids have still been able to come home, get a snack, and go play in the pool. It doesn't hurt that we have had more blue skies this week than all of last year. I had forgotten, since I wasn't around last year, how crazy the beginning of school can lists that need to be filled, teachers to meet at "sneak a peek", syllabuses that need to be signed, and bed times that need to be adjusted...all done while getting over jet lag. The kids did great this week...and I didn't do too bad myself. Organization is not my strong suit, but it is only August, and nothing has been lost.
So we are preparing for week #2. We are all over jet lag, Marina and I are already in a groove with our routine, and as a last minute surprise, we will be getting our first visitors (sorry Ron and Rebecca, you don't count since Rebecca lived here before I did!) on Tuesday. My father has business about an hour north of us in Shenzen, and my mother will be joining him. As you can imagine, we are thrilled to have them come and just experience our life here...since it's so difficult to explain in words. We are also celebrating some birthdays in the next month...first up, Sarah Jane is turning 1 on Wednesday!!! But it is late, so that will have to wait for the next post:)
Here are a some more beach pics...loved that week!!!
Josh found a friend at the beach
Sarah found her toes
Grace and Emma found some waves
Abby found a frisbee
Monday, August 5, 2013
Our Summer 2013
It was definitely a different kind of summer for us...being home, and yet, not home. Because our house is occupied, we were a bit nomadic...starting our journey in Ohio, then in West Grove, a week at the beach, and then finally in Delaware. We had very gracious and hospitable hosts who were kind enough to house all seven of us...not a small feat. We thoroughly enjoyed visiting friends and family and packed as much as we could into our 5 1/2 week U.S. stay.
Our time in the States seemed a bit surreal. Things felt comfortable right away and we picked up with our loved ones where we left off, like we had never been gone. It almost felt like Hong Kong was a dream. One that I enjoyed thinking about, but not necessarily talking about since no one really understood our life there. I lost count how many times I was asked "How is Hong Kong?", and I tried to convey that I couldn't really explain it...but that was fine by me. Being the relational person that I am, I just craved hearing about everyone else's lives. Part of it was missing my dear friends and family and wanting to genuinely know what was going on. But if I'm honest, part of it was probably self-serving...I didn't want to be left out. Not sure if that makes sense? I guess one of the more challenging parts of coming back was finding out how much really had changed since we had left. While it was still comfortable for us, there was still a lot that had gone on without us. It never feels good to be left begs the question, "Will we be forgotten?" Well, in my head and in my heart I know the answer is "no". People made us feel missed and loved...and that was a blessing.
The other challenging piece was having time as a family...especially since we all had our own agendas. Andy had to work double duty...catching up with people in the States while holding down the fort in Asia. My children wanted to spend as much time with their friends, and I had the job of planning that time for them, getting them there, as well as making time for my own connections, buying things we needed in HK while it was easy to find, and doctor appointments! One day, we had FIVE doctor/dentist appointments in the span of four hours. Efficient and exhausting! But looking back, there is nothing I would have changed. I will just be a bit more prepared for a family that is more spread out then we are used to. We did have a wonderful time at the beach, and next year I may need to push for two weeks:)
So we have been back in Hong Kong for two days (thus the 3:47am on my clock) and the kids go back to school in two days. While our summer seemed short on time, it was full of relationships and activity. We are blessed beyond words to have such amazing friends and family - on two sides of the world. And even though it was difficult to leave the US, we were easily reminded of last year's entry to Hong Kong and what a difference a year makes. We are thankful that we get to come to HK as a family of seven together, our home is already set up with an amazing helper waiting for us, dear friends are ready to spend time with us, a school that my children already know, with friendships they have already made, a job that has already been established, and a church that we love to worship and learn. Yes, we are grateful for an amazing summer...and we are grateful that we can carry those memories to our home in Hong Kong.
Some of my favorite beach pics.... more summer pics to follow in future posts!
Our time in the States seemed a bit surreal. Things felt comfortable right away and we picked up with our loved ones where we left off, like we had never been gone. It almost felt like Hong Kong was a dream. One that I enjoyed thinking about, but not necessarily talking about since no one really understood our life there. I lost count how many times I was asked "How is Hong Kong?", and I tried to convey that I couldn't really explain it...but that was fine by me. Being the relational person that I am, I just craved hearing about everyone else's lives. Part of it was missing my dear friends and family and wanting to genuinely know what was going on. But if I'm honest, part of it was probably self-serving...I didn't want to be left out. Not sure if that makes sense? I guess one of the more challenging parts of coming back was finding out how much really had changed since we had left. While it was still comfortable for us, there was still a lot that had gone on without us. It never feels good to be left begs the question, "Will we be forgotten?" Well, in my head and in my heart I know the answer is "no". People made us feel missed and loved...and that was a blessing.
The other challenging piece was having time as a family...especially since we all had our own agendas. Andy had to work double duty...catching up with people in the States while holding down the fort in Asia. My children wanted to spend as much time with their friends, and I had the job of planning that time for them, getting them there, as well as making time for my own connections, buying things we needed in HK while it was easy to find, and doctor appointments! One day, we had FIVE doctor/dentist appointments in the span of four hours. Efficient and exhausting! But looking back, there is nothing I would have changed. I will just be a bit more prepared for a family that is more spread out then we are used to. We did have a wonderful time at the beach, and next year I may need to push for two weeks:)
So we have been back in Hong Kong for two days (thus the 3:47am on my clock) and the kids go back to school in two days. While our summer seemed short on time, it was full of relationships and activity. We are blessed beyond words to have such amazing friends and family - on two sides of the world. And even though it was difficult to leave the US, we were easily reminded of last year's entry to Hong Kong and what a difference a year makes. We are thankful that we get to come to HK as a family of seven together, our home is already set up with an amazing helper waiting for us, dear friends are ready to spend time with us, a school that my children already know, with friendships they have already made, a job that has already been established, and a church that we love to worship and learn. Yes, we are grateful for an amazing summer...and we are grateful that we can carry those memories to our home in Hong Kong.
Some of my favorite beach pics.... more summer pics to follow in future posts!
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