Sunday, August 11, 2013

What a Difference a Year Makes!!!

Well, we have been here for a week and already the differences from last year have been astounding.  Besides all the logistical changes (coming here as a family of 7 instead of in shifts), it has been nice to come back to a house that is already set up, a school that my children are familiar with, and surroundings that don't make me squeamish inside.  Knowing how to navigate public transportation has been a huge difference, and Grace and I already made our way to the stationary store for school supplies.  This store happens to be found in a very large mall, in a phase that I hadn't even explored yet...I was very proud of our accomplishment!  It's been much easier to take taxis and trust that I will get where I want to go...and that I know enough to help direct if needed.  This helps when I am too tired and HOT to get on one more train...makes for a happier me:)

The kids started school this past week, and while I feel a little bad that they have to start back so early, I did so much driving to make sure they got to visit who they needed to visit, that I was in need of a break. And there is obviously a learning/intensive curve, so the kids have still been able to come home, get a snack, and go play in the pool. It doesn't hurt that we have had more blue skies this week than all of last year.  I had forgotten, since I wasn't around last year, how crazy the beginning of school can lists that need to be filled, teachers to meet at "sneak a peek", syllabuses that need to be signed, and bed times that need to be adjusted...all done while getting over jet lag.  The kids did great this week...and I didn't do too bad myself.  Organization is not my strong suit, but it is only August, and nothing has been lost.

So we are preparing for week #2.  We are all over jet lag, Marina and I are already in a groove with our routine, and as a last minute surprise, we will be getting our first visitors (sorry Ron and Rebecca, you don't count since Rebecca lived here before I did!) on Tuesday.  My father has business about an hour north of us in Shenzen, and my mother will be joining him.  As you can imagine, we are thrilled to have them come and just experience our life here...since it's so difficult to explain in words.  We are also celebrating some birthdays in the next month...first up, Sarah Jane is turning 1 on Wednesday!!!  But it is late, so that will have to wait for the next post:)
Here are a some more beach pics...loved that week!!!
                                                       Josh found a friend at the beach

Sarah found her toes

                 Grace and Emma found some waves

                                                                     Abby found a frisbee


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