Monday, August 5, 2013

Our Summer 2013

It was definitely a different kind of summer for us...being home, and yet, not home.  Because our house is occupied, we were a bit nomadic...starting our journey in Ohio, then in West Grove, a week at the beach, and then finally in Delaware.  We had very gracious and hospitable hosts who were kind enough to house all seven of us...not a small feat.  We thoroughly enjoyed visiting friends and family and packed as much as we could into our 5 1/2 week U.S. stay. 

Our time in the States seemed a bit surreal.  Things felt comfortable right away and we picked up with our loved ones where we left off, like we had never been gone.  It almost felt like Hong Kong was a dream.  One that I enjoyed thinking about, but not necessarily talking about since no one really understood our life there.  I lost count how many times I was asked "How is Hong Kong?", and I tried to convey that I couldn't really explain it...but that was fine by me.  Being the relational person that I am, I just craved hearing about everyone else's lives.  Part of it was missing my dear friends and family and wanting to genuinely know what was going on.  But if I'm honest, part of it was probably self-serving...I didn't want to be left out.  Not sure if that makes sense? I guess one of the more challenging parts of coming back was finding out how much really had changed since we had left.  While it was still comfortable for us, there was still a lot that had gone on without us.  It never feels good to be left begs the question, "Will we be forgotten?" Well, in my head and in my heart I know the answer is "no". People made us feel missed and loved...and that was a blessing.

The other challenging piece was having time as a family...especially since we all had our own agendas.  Andy had to work double duty...catching up with people in the States while holding down the fort in Asia. My children wanted to spend as much time with their friends, and I had the job of planning that time for them, getting them there, as well as making time for my own connections, buying things we needed in HK while it was easy to find, and doctor appointments! One day, we had FIVE doctor/dentist appointments in the span of four hours.  Efficient and exhausting! But looking back, there is nothing I would have changed.  I will just be a bit more prepared for a family that is more spread out then we are used to. We did have a wonderful time at the beach, and next year I may need to push for two weeks:)

So we have been back in Hong Kong for two days (thus the 3:47am on my clock) and the kids go back to school in two days.  While our summer seemed short on time, it was full of relationships and activity.  We are blessed beyond words to have such amazing friends and family - on two sides of the world.  And even though it was difficult to leave the US, we were easily reminded of last year's entry to Hong Kong and what a difference a year makes.  We are thankful that we get to come to HK as a family of seven together, our home is already set up with an amazing helper waiting for us,  dear friends are ready to spend time with us, a school that my children already know, with friendships they have already made, a job that has already been established, and a church that we love to worship and learn. Yes, we are grateful for an amazing summer...and we are grateful that we can carry those memories to our home in Hong Kong.

Some of my favorite beach pics.... more summer pics to follow in future posts!



  1. Those are wonderful pictures of your family.

  2. Oh I love those pictures!!! So beautiful! Glad you are back and settled at 'home'! Missed not being able to see you while you were in the states. Really missed it!

  3. Loved spending some time with you while you were here! It wasn't enough, but I'll take what I can get my friend. Love the pictures! Love ya, Sara

  4. great family pictures!!! Fun! Looking forward to see you soon.
