Thursday, May 8, 2014

Our Adventure to Lamma Island

So one reason I enjoy living in HK is that there are several random holidays scattered around the calendar.  During this last week, we have had two of them.  Last Thursday we had Labor Day, and yesterday (Tuesday) we had Buddha's Birthday.  I'm not a follower of Buddha, but I appreciate his birthday:) Now, it is odd to me that these days are pushed to extend a weekend...I feel like that is done often where we are from in the US. But, I will not complain, and it has actually been nice to break up the week...even though I am totally confused what day it is when we are back into our normal routine.

Last Thursday we joined friends from Australia, South Africa and New Zealand to explore and hike Lamma Island...a 30 minute ferry from Hong Kong. It had been on our list to do, and we thought that even though the weather might not cooperate, we should take the chance and just do it.

Our family caught our shuttle to the MTR station at 7:30am.  We were meeting our friends on the early side so that we could hike before lunch and then take the ferry back from the opposite side of the island. Our family made it to the Central Pier, two minutes late, but well before our 9:00am departure time...and we were not the last ones to meet...miraculous:)

We enjoyed our little ferry ride to the island, then proceeded to "hike".  In this case, hiking is simply following the cement path.  We walked about 30 minutes before stopping at our first destination-the beach.  After about 10 minutes of feeling the water and exploring on the rocks, all the children decided it was worth the effort to change into their bathing suits, or togs.  Unlike our past experience with "beaches," this sand was nice and smooth, and we didn't have any fears of stepping on creatures we could not see. The kids had a blast, swimming, playing in the sand, jumping the little waves that came ashore, and checking out the rocks.  The adults enjoyed the opportunity for nature to entertain our children, as we sat back, relaxed, and soaked in the much fun! Even Sarah started to enjoy it.  At first she wasn't so sure, but that she just sat in the sand and played.

After about 45 minutes of this fun, it was back on the "road." Kids changed, we had a snack, and then on we went.  The beginning of this leg was steep uphill.  There was some whining, but little compared to what we were asking of little legs.  The view was wonderful.  And to be honest, the weather could not have been better.  The rain had let up, but it was overcast, which probably saved most of us from a mean sunburn.  Also, the children were positive influencers towards each other, which just added to the parent's enjoyment. We finally made it to the top and started our slow descent.  We checked out a cave, smelled the flowers, and made it to our lunch destination by about 12:30pm.  This seafood restaurant was right on the water, and had big enough tables for all 8 adults and Sarah to fit at one table, and all the other 14 children to sit at the other table.  Yes, adventurous, we know!

Finally, the sun came out for a bit, and after picking up popsicles, the kids were able to run around at a playground while the parents enjoyed the peace of a pavilion.  Well, almost all the parents...when you have a curious little 20-month old, there is not much resting:) Then, we took the ferry ride back to HK...passing an enormous ship filled with crates.  It was beautiful to ferry back to see the skyline that we enjoy so much.  And that was our fun random holiday.  Luckily, we were back in plenty of time to get a little HW done and make sure we knew what day it was tomorrow:)

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